BlueCieloPublisher 2012 SP5 adds the following new fixes and improvements:
Rendering AutoCAD drawings using a layout name that contains German characters no longer fails.
Some file information was missing from some binary files that is required for Microsoft Windows certification.
The performance of publishing to SharePoint has been improved.
In some environments when rendering to DWF format with the Autodesk Inventor rendering module, Inventor would stop responding, the rest of the documents in the batch would fail to render, but the module would report success. This issue has been fixed.
Releasing a project copy that caused a rendition to be generated that was a different format than the prior revision would fail if the Watermark prior revision option was enabled for the publishing job. Now the watermark option will be ignored so that the job can complete.
A new publishing option _UNRETIRE_ has been added to the Meridian Enterprise system link.
Generating the first rendition after IIS has been idle for a long period of time or after IIS has been reset could take a long time. If the rendition was created during a workflow transition, the transition was delayed.
All revision numbers are synchronized to the destination system if the Keep revision information option and the Publish all revisions for new documents are enabled.
An error Index was outside the bounds of the array has been fixed that could occur if global paper settings were set in the AutoVue rendering module when used with the Meridian Project Portal system link.
When the Use property value from source document option is enabled for a watermark definition, date/time property values are now rendered in the local server format instead of GMT.
The workflow status and revision number of published documents are now set to the properties of the released version of the source documents, not the latest revision of the source documents, which might be newer.
The default view that is rendered by the MicroStation rendering module for the batch plot rendition type when the Default View option is not specified has changed. Previously, the last (model) layout was the default. It is now the view that was active when the drawing was saved.
When a vault's publishing settings were edited, the Rendition Page Pen Table and Rendition Page Size lookup lists in Meridian Enterprise Configurator were overwritten with values from the Publisher computer regardless of the setting of the Synchronize rendition lookup lists option.
If multiple watermarks were configured with different opacity settings, the first opacity setting was applied to all of the watermarks.
The DocumentId parameter of the RegisterDocument method now accepts either a document ID, path, or Global ID value. However, because the document's Global ID and path can change, we do not recommend using values other than the document ID except under the direction of BlueCielo Technical Support.
The AutoCAD 2014 family of products is supported by the AutoCAD rendering module.
The Feedback property option is now shown properly for the SharePoint system link.
New publishing options have been added to the SharePoint system link: _RESERVE_, _UNRESERVE_, and _OVERWRITE_.
Installing Publisher 2012 SP4 on a computer after Meridian Enterprise 2013 SP1 no longer generates the error The BlueCielo EDM server on '...' is not compatible with this client application. EDM server data version 168.